![The Bell Curve PIC](
The Bell Curve is known in mathematics and science as a normal distribution. Normal distributions appear often in nature. In designing the Aspiration model, and for practical purposes, I’m assuming the variation in the individual moral foundation scores of humans may follow that distribution. This may change but won’t alter the concept the model coveys. It just means the baseline metrics will be different. As far as I know this is just the first attempt to create such a model. There will always be a better one.
In the normal distribution around two thirds of the population are not far from average. Those twice as far from average will be significantly different and those three times as far will be extraordinarily different. There’ll be the saintly at the top and sad, mad and/or bad at the bottom.
It is possible that our individual position on the model is set by our nature and nurturing at any one time. The distribution of any trait may follow other personality traits and our personal set point can be moved by us with very little trouble, that is we can improve our position and our morality. It may not be possible to move it a lot without a lot of effort. At least we can try.
To me this has all to do with genetics and the development of our belief systems which often change as we grow older. I know mine have. In view of the genetic component it may be possible by selective breeding to isolate those who have the greatest struggle and encourage them not to breed. If that reminds you of Hitler, you’re right, but we don’t have to go as far as he did. It can be all be done humanely with carrots rather than sticks. We need to continue the dialogue with a positive and generous attitude.
I believe we need to do this if we want to make a better world for ourselves, our loved ones, society generally and all the life forms that make this planet Earth such an amazing Eden.
Sure, there are huge challenges facing humanity and these are personal, social, local and global. We are not alone. We are social beings. We can be cooperative and selfish. The more cooperative we are the better will we be. Selfishness is the destroyer. In my view where we are in between these extremes is a measure of our morality. The more humans aspire to a higher level of morality the better they will be collectively and individually.
Scientists love measuring things and it may be possible to develop useable metrics that can be a guide to where you are on the model. My friends and I have found the reports we received from the Haidt team very enlightening. If you do them you will be helping the science. They cost nothing to undertake.
It is obvious to me the more moral people are, the better the society will function. Society can be much less divided and more cooperative in dealing with its challenges if we are more moral. Our great capacity for cooperation has been evident during the current 2020 COVID-19 corona virus, particularly in Australia. Most people are behaving in the interests of society generally.
There is no dogma here. There is never a final scientific theory. Science searches for the truth and reality but there is a general view that reality is too weird to be fully known. The truth is also something that science is getting closer and closer to, but unlikely to ever know. The big value of science is predicting outcomes. We can only ever have approximate models, and while these are often useful, they are often replaced by better ones as we progress.
Scientists love measuring things and it may be possible to develop useable metrics that can be a guide to where you are on the model. My friends and I have found the reports we received from the Haidt team very enlightening. If you do them you will be helping the science. They cost nothing to undertake.